Tuesday 18 June 2013

'MAN' as a Husband as a Father

The prevailing framework with which dads approach their role in the family is as an equal partnership with their wife.  Dads view their role as that of a team player with shared responsibility with their wife rather than split responsibility
they play active roles in caring for the children and completing other domestic duties.  In this shared responsibility fathering role, dads, as well as moms, deal with the daily frustrations of getting children ready to leave and the hassles of shuttling them to their activities. 
Dads have a stronger connection with their children as a positive outcome from this shared-responsibility arrangement.  Most dads hold significant responsibility in caring for the daily needs of their children.  The overwhelming majority prioritize their activities in order to maximize time with their families.  As a result of the large amount of time dads are spending with their children, they experience a high level of emotional warmth in the relationships they have with their children.

Role of a Husband :
Trust your wife and then actually do so. Remember, she is and will be in charge of some of the most important fronts in your life. It would not do to have it any otherwise.

Love your wife. It is equally important to be able to actually love her for being all that she is unto you. You, her husband, are no more of an individual (nor no less, as well) than her. This means that you cannot give either more or less importance to your own individuality than you would give to hers. If you have been doing so without realizing it, now is always the time to stop.

Talk openly. When you happen to have any misunderstandings or conflicts as will happen between any two persons staying together in any given environment for a time, it is most important that you have a heart-to-heart talk with her on the matter and sort things out at the earliest.

Take heed of her sacrifices for the relationship. While she might make sacrifices, in an effort to 'adjust,' it is up to you to ensure that she makes none that you do not share in or know of. If you only know of any sacrifices she has made, it is up to you to reciprocate and make it worth her effort. How you do it is entirely up to you, but do it you must.

Role of a Father : Anyone can be a Father but its difficult to be a 'REAL DAD'
Make yourself responsible for all present and future well-being of your child from the day he/she is born and do it with a whole heart. from changing diapers to collage admission take all the responsibilities. If a father denies or fails to take such responsibilities he is immediately and naturally deprived of the capacity to be a good father. To become a Father is ur own choice so be a Dad after becoming a Father. 

You do not necessarily have to fulfil each and every whim of the child. Instead, select the best of everything that will genuinely benefit the child while not burning your pockets.

Be consistently and constantly committed to the present and future well-being of your child. A good father must be willing to make sacrifices for his child's sake. his time, his ear, his patience, and his advice are some of the most valuable expendables that he can spend for his child. He must not ever be unwilling to spend these. Ur behaviour is very important, as  the child will imitate u throughout his/her life. child learns all the virtues of life from his/her parents. Dont lie or disrespect ur partner in front of ur child as he/she wl do the same in future or U may be the next target in near future to receive the same from him/her.

Be a guide not a best friend. The child is not your partner. Your child needs you to provide not only food, toys, medicines, and so on. Your child needs you to pass on your accumulated wisdom, your strengths, and your goodwill. These will pass on naturally, you only need to intend them to.

Tips to be a gud Husband and a Gud Father :

Take everything positively. It is difficult, but do try, the rewards are worth it.

Always make informed choices.

Learn to say no and to say yes, but most importantly, learn when to say which. Make a sincere effort at it.

Always be open to suggestions and criticism.

Provide if that is a role you have chosen. If you are the provider in the family, you must, naturally, 'provide'. It is your primary duty and is no obligation to those for whom you provide.

Feel free to make positive inferences from all of the above. Remember, you can be whatever you want to be if you only intend genuinely.

Think of ways to be more human, or even magnanimous, if you like. The above tenets are by no means the only ones that can be followed. However, they are inserted here with some calculations that will translate into a highly satisfactory married life if taken seriously and lived up to.

With guidance wikihow

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