Puzzles & Quizes

                                    match equation  
  @ Player has to write below equations with the help of matchsticks in one minute.

·         XX – VIII = XII  – 16 Matchsticks
·         XIX – XII = IX – 15 Matchsticks
·         X – VIII = II – 12 Matchstick
·         VII – II = V – 11  Matchstick
·         VVIII -III = VV -17 Matchstick
·         If time left player can start writing  again


                                                            The Player who has written the maximum no. of equations.

                                  The concentration game

·        How To Play
·         Call the guests one by one and ask them to read the paper.
·         You can add more lines or these can be repeated.
·         They have to speak the colors used for writing these sentences.
·         For eg. instead of reading  ‘RED KITTY PARTY GAMES’ they have to read ‘GREEN PURPLE   
      BLUE ORANGE’ as the color appears.
·         Time Limit is one minute.

                                        The candle and bangles game

     @ Things Require:    Candle,    Matchbox,    10 to 20 bangles(glass bangles), card boards

       How To Play

·         Light up the candle & put a wax drop on the card board.
·         Stick the bangle on the wax drop.
·         The bangles must stand on the board with the help of wax.
·         If any bangle drop down, it is not counted.
·         Time limit is one minute.
   How To Decide Winner
   Person who places maximum number of bangles in one minute

                                                   Needle and balloon


Things Required:    Two empty containers,   25-30 water filled balloons, 

 One pair of knitting needles

How To Play

·         Keep water filled balloons in one container.

·         Each participant gets 1 minute to pick balloons with knitting needles and put them into second container.
·         1 point will be deducted if a balloon gets burst.


Whoever puts maximum balloons in second container without bursting any in one minute.

 Let's give a fun-filled exercise to our Brain :

click on the images for x-large view



@  Colored Names & Hair

Professor Merle White of the mathematics department, Professor Leslie Black of philosophy, and Jean Brown, a young stenographer who worked in the university's office of admissions, were lunching together.

"Isn't it remarkable," observed the lady, "that our last names are Black, Brown and White and that one of us has black hair, one brown hair and one white."

"It is indeed," replied the person with black hair, "and have you noticed that not one of us has hair that matches his or her name?"

"By golly, you're right!" exclaimed Professor White.

If the lady's hair isn't brown, what is the color of Professor Black's hair?


      From the conversation Professor White's hair can't be white (for then it would match his or her name), nor can it be black because he (or she) replies to the black-haired person. Therefore it must be brown. If the lady's hair isn't brown, then Professor White is not a lady. The remark from the black-haired person can't be from Professor Black (for then the color of hair would match his or her name) and can't be from Professor White as well (because the remark prompts an exclamation from White). Therefore the black-haired person is Jean Brown. Based on this the first statement from the lady is made by Professor Black. Her hair can't be black or brown, so she must be blonde.

@  you are a detective investigating a suicide.
The Room is empty except for the girl who has hung here self from the ceiling and a pool of water.
How did the girl hang herself?

She stood on a block of ice,  it melted and became a pool.
@  A man attempts to marry his widows sister, is this legal?


If a lady is widow means her husband is already died, the above statement is wrong.

@  In a bungalow, everything is painted purple, the windows, the floor, the curtains, everything. What color are the stairs?


If it is a " bunglow",  it has only groundfloor..

@  The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it, and the user doesn't see it, what is it?


@  whats once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in 1 thousand years?


The letter " M ".

the spotlight puzzle :

A conference room contains three separate wall-mounted spotlights - right, left and front of stage. Each is controlled by its own on-off switch. These three switches are numbered 1, 2 and 3, but they are in a back-room which has no sight of the spotlights or the conference room (and there are no reflections or shadows or mirrors, and you are alone). How do you identify each switch correctly  right, left, front - if you can only enter the back-room once?

Now let's try some riddles :

   Its more powerful than god
   its more evil then the devil
   poor people have it
   rich people want it
   What is it?

.  If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would     you be in now?

3. What holds water, but is full of holes?

4. The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out ho

Here Comes The Ans :

the spotlight puzzle :

Switch on number 1 and leave it on for 30 seconds, then switch it off. Switch on number 2 and leave it on. Enter the conference room. The spotlight that is on is obviously number 2. The spotlight that is warm is switch 1, and the other spotlight is number 3. 


1".NOTHING "Is more powerful than god
NOTHING is more evil then the devil
NOTHING poor people have it
NOTHING rich people want it

2 You would be in 2nd.  Well, you passed the guy in second place, not first, so now u r in second place  .

3. A sponge.

4.The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can you figure out how?
          C and Y  
         i hope all of u njoyed it....as i said it was real bhejafry......isn't it....!!!


  1. Interesting Stuff , Parul ! just loved it. Keep it up ! - Priyanka Sharma

  2. Thanx Priyanka for so sweet comment...


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