Thursday 18 April 2013

survivig summer

Summers are synonymous with hot blazing sun, hot and humid temperature, and excess sweating. And along with this, many people tend to suffer from heat rashes. These are also known as sweat rashes or prickly heat rashes. In medical terms, this condition is known as miliaria. People of all ages get affected by this condition

Heat rashes occur when excessive sweating due to the heat, ends up blocking the sweat glands and as a result the sweat gets trapped in the skin. 

                    Here are some home remedies to help you seek relief from heat rashes:
1) It is important to cool your skin when you break out into heat rashes to prevent it from getting worse and spreading further. Therefore, placing an ice pack on the affected area is a good idea. Apply it for a duration of about ten minutes every three to four hours.

2) Gently rub cut aloe vera pieces over the affected area, thrice a day. You can use aloe vera gel too. Aloe vera contains excellent healing properties and will provide a cooling effect.

Hot weather triggers a surprising variety of ailments. Here are some easy and effective home remedies that spell relief.

Athlete's foot: Soak your feet in a basin containing 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts cool water. Apply tea tree essential oil to the affected area.

Body odour: Make your own natural deodorant — mix 4 drops each of lavender, lemon, rosemary and sage essential oils with 125ml witch hazel. Not only does this smell pleasant, but the oils' antimicrobial odours neutralise odour-causing bacteria.

Dry skin: Soothe cracked, sun-parched heels and elbows with a mixture of cold cooked mashed potato and olive oil. Massage into skin, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse off.

Prickly heat: Try an oatmeal bath. Grind dry rolled oats into a very fine powder in a blender and add 1 cup to a bath of lukewarm water, along with 5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Soak for 10 minutes; don't rinse off, just pat dry.

Sunburn: Chamomile contains azulene, which has very powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Dip a clean cloth in cold chamomile tea and place it over the irritated skin until it becomes warm, then repeat. For a small area, like a burnt nose, chill slices of cucumber or tomato and press them lightly on the spot. Adding a cup of bicarbonate of soda or 500ml of strong black or green tea to a lukewarm bath will also help to soothe skin.

Sore eyes: Chlorine, salt water and dry, hot wind all hurt your eyes. Mix 2 drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils in ½ cup of cool water. Soak two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out excess water and place a pad over each eye, then lie down with feet elevated higher than your head. Or, use chilled wet tea bags. Bilberry tablets may help to strengthen the small blood vessels in and around the eyes. msn


  1. April 2013 at 04:01

    nice..very informative


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